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Language Accessory Pack for Microsoft 365 - Microsoft Support
Learn how to download, install, and configure Language Accessory Packs for Microsoft 365 to add additional display, help, and proofing tools to Microsoft 365.

Change the language Office uses in its menus and proofing tools
There are three areas in Microsoft Office where you may want to change the language. Editing or Authoring is the language in which you write and edit your content. You may need to install an associated keyboard for this language via Windows settings. Proofing tools are spelling and grammar check.

Save or convert to PDF or XPS in Office Desktop apps
You can use the Office programs to save or convert your files to PDFs so that you can share them or print them using commercial printers. And you won’t need any other software or add-ins. Use PDF format when you want a file that: Looks the same on most computers. Has a smaller file size. Complies with an industry format.

Add an editing or authoring language or set language preferences in ...
You can use the Office language options to add a language, to choose the UI display language, and to set the authoring and proofing language. The language options are in the Set the Office Language Preferences section of the Office Options dialog box, which you can access by going to File > Options > Language.

Add East Asian fonts in Windows 10 for use with Office documents
To add the East Asian fonts, you need to install the East Asian language. Installing the East Asian language does not necessarily change the default language you use with Windows; it simply adds the East Asian language as an additional language and downloads the related fonts.

Import or export text (.txt or .csv) files - Microsoft Support
There are two ways to import data from a text file with Excel: you can open it in Excel, or you can import it as an external data range. To export data from Excel to a text file, use the Save As command and change the file type from the drop-down menu. There are two commonly used text file formats:

Apply sensitivity labels to your files and email - Microsoft Support
You can apply sensitivity labels to your files and emails to keep them compliant with your organization's information protection policies.

Assign a macro to a Form or a Control button - Microsoft Support
You can use a Form control button or a command button (an ActiveX control) to run a macro that performs an action when a user clicks it. Both these buttons are also known as a push button, which can be set up to automate the printing of a worksheet, filtering data, or calculating numbers.

Connect to a printer - Microsoft Support
You can add or connect to a printer in Excel using the File and Print options. Once the device has been added, you can print either within the Print option or by using the keyboard shortcut, Ctrl + P. Note: First, be sure that your printer is installed using the printer’s manufacturer instructions.

Use Power Query to import data for Python in Excel
Take the following steps to learn how to import a sample external data set and to use with Python in Excel. Tip: If you’re already familiar with Power Query and want to work with existing queries in your workbook, skip to Use Power Query data with Python in Excel later in this article.

Format numbers as percentages - Microsoft Support
To quickly apply percentage formatting to selected cells, click Percent Style in the Number group on the Home tab, or press Ctrl+Shift+%. If you want more control over the format, or you want to change other aspects of formatting for your selection, you can follow these steps.




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